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today was Viv’s last day of preschool, and I “got” to attend class w/her so she could show me the different learning centers she’s used since after Christmas (the preschool Viv and Aidan had been attending closed at Christmas break, so they had to switch to a new school mid-year; Aidan wasn’t there for the last day b/c they don’t usually have school on Fridays and I didn’t want to deal w/trying to coordinate that w/his mother)…

spending two solid hours at preschool was totally exhausting! I have NO idea why my child reverted to acting like she’s two when I was there w/her, b/c her teacher says Viv’s very independent and also does well academically, but I sure didn’t get any firsthand observation of that (puts me in mind of the Schroedinger’s cat hypothesis in physics: the mere act of observing an experiment alters its outcome)…

part of me is glad school’s out for the summer; part of me is scrambling to find summer camp activities…

either way, I’m totally wiped out — I’m going to bed (VERY early!) before I fall down…